Equality vs Equity: Real time education via medication
Pictured is one medication, for the same person, but in two different forms. This example was a light bulb moment for me that is very...
Equality vs Equity: Real time education via medication
Twelve Minutes Helped Me Heal
Hidden, Unknown, Lost and Found Treasures
Preparing for a Good Death
Today, I Failed
I want a simple life
I Want A Simple Life
Baby bird
You’re, that, this is…retarded.
There ARE still good people in the world
Recalculating…from FML to PTL
We (You) DID IT!
Why did God make Noah different?
Give Thanks
My name is Noah
Want to Know Wednesday: What will you do when Noah gets bigger?
Want to know Wednesday: What can people do to help you when out with Noah
Want to Know Wednesday: What's Wrong with Him?
Fullest Expression of Me
How yoga saved his life